One of the most distinguished competitions in underwater photography - Ocean Art - has announced winners for 2024! Ikelite users from all over the globe won big this year taking home a variety of prizes in a variety of categories. We got a chance to chat with a few of the winners to get a behind the scenes look at their winning shots.
Stefano Cerbai
1st Place | Portrait

- Instagram @ste_cerba
Lorenzo Terraneo
3rd Place | Underwater Digital Art

- Instagram @lorenzoterraneo
Bo Pardau
Honorable Mention | Blackwater

- Instagram @bopardau
Xaime Beiro
Honorable Mention | Black & White

"We are thrilled to have made it to the final selection of Ocean Art 2024, especially with a photo that means so much to me. It was taken in my hometown, in the piece of ocean where I grew up. I’m from Galicia (NW Spain), where the waters are cold and green, and the octopus is one of the main protagonists of our marine environment. It has always been very abundant but is now entering a concerning situation due to overfishing.
"The photo was taken while freediving, like most of my work, in an area where there are usually many octopus pots. In one of these, I saw an octopus still outside, just about to go in. My idea was to get closer and take a close-up of the octopus on top of the pot. But I got “lucky” when the octopus decided to escape right over me, allowing me to capture a good burst of shots that show all its movement from this slightly different perspective.
"Most of my work is focused on showing people the richness of the waters I grew up in. Unlike other parts of the world, there are still many people here who don’t know what they have right in front of their homes. I’ve traveled to tropical seas, but portraying the usual suspects of my homeland is what motivates me the most.
"I’ve been working with Ikelite equipment ever since I started underwater photography 9 years ago. In 2016, I decided to invest in a good setup and chose the Sony a6300 with an Ikelite housing. Without a doubt, it was the best purchase I’ve ever made."
Follow Xaime
- Instagram @xbeiro
Jeongin Kim
3rd Place | Cold Water

- Instagram @jamsootoday
Anna Aita
2nd Place | Underwater Fashion

"I was born and raised in Milan, Italy and I moved to the USA, in Florida, in 2021, fascinated by the beautiful nature and the sunny days. I have been a circus instructor for over 12 years and circus arts performers and students inspired me to learn photography to tell the stories of regular people that can transform into superheroes.
"When I moved to Florida I found myself mesmerized by the beauty of the nature and I started to do more photoshoots outside the studio. I got my free diving certification and I started to explore the stunning Florida Springs. Obviously underwater photography became my new addiction. My underwater world is ethereal, dreamy and poetic.
"Before starting my journey into underwater photography I was afraid of bringing my expensive gear underwater and I was intimidated by the idea of how complicated it could be to assemble the housing and use it underwater. What I appreciated the most about Ikelite is that it has a lot of free online video tutorials that guides you step by step on how to assemble and use their products and also a lot of very useful tips for photographers of every experience level.
"Using an Ikelite housing gives me peace of mind knowing my gear is safe and protected. Their housings are also very user friendly and finding buttons and settings underwater it’s way easier than what I thought."
- Instagram @annaaitaphoto
McKenzie Spalding
Honorable Mention | Wide Angle

- Instagram @mckenziemayphoto
Ariel Gliboff
4th Place | Portrait

- Instagram @littlebrrmaid
- YouTube @thelittlebrrmaid
- What We Sea Podcast
Ken Keong Chong
4th Place | Nudibranch

Unkoo Kim
1st Place | Underwater Digital Art