Color Correcting Filters for 2.2 inch Diameter Short Ports
Ikelite Color Correcting Filters replace oranges, reds, and more natural tones that are otherwise lost in the water. Each filter attaches to the outside of the port offering easy attachment and removal underwater.
The specially formulated UR/Pro color correcting filter for tropical blue water settings enhances warm reds and oranges with available sunlight up to 80 ft (24m).
The UR/Pro color correcting filter for green water enhances contrast and improves the color of green water to give your subject a rich, natural tone. Effective with available sunlight up to 80 ft (24m). Use in most lakes and any green water setting.
In general, color filters are not intended to be used in conjunction with a strobe or powerful video light.
These filters are not usable on dome ports. Dome ports require the use of an internal filter attached to your camera's lens (not available through Ikelite).

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We're here for you for every step along the way. Email ikelite@ikelite.com for help on gear selection, assembly, camera settings, and photo advice. We can even help you decide where to dive!
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